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Gresley Way Stevenage, Redrow – Phase 1 Submitted

Gresley Way, Stevenage by Redrow Homes is a scheme of 600 new dwellings. The intention is to deliver the site in two phases, the first has been submitted for planning approval.

This will be a high-quality, sustainable, mixed-use development that meets local needs and character. Gresley Way will see the creation of a vibrant, multi-generational neighbourhood hub designed using materials and styles which reflect local distinctiveness.

Gresley Way Stevenage – The Design

Thrive’s vision for Gresley Way embraces the picturesque landscape by using the topography of the site as an asset to the landscape’s character. The design proposals build on the sound urban design principles and masterplan framework established under the hybrid outline planning permission.

Resulting in high-quality placemaking within an overall landscape-led approach. The foundation of the design is to redirect sights to take full advantage of the surrounding natural beauty. Similarly, the design ethos is to increase the already present biodiversity and work with natural assets to provide an enhanced experience for the residents.

As part of the design proposal, the landscape vision takes inspiration from the existing landscape and resulting sense of place. This will be achieved by defining character areas with gradient transitions and working with existing habitat features. This creates both open and enclosed views of the surrounding natural beauty. Green corridors will provide a connected network for humans, plants, and wildlife, which will protect existing habitats for species established on the site.

The detailed vision for Gresley Way, Stevenage by Redrow Homes draws on inspiration from nearby high-quality and successful garden village towns and suburbs. The site aims to encourage sustainable movement patterns for the residents by creating opportunities for walking and cycling. Well placed with attractive routes and connections leading to key destinations both within and beyond in Stevenage.

Gresley Way, Stevenage – Thrive Architects Architectural Services


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