Another successful trip to Crowdhill Green in Fair Oak, Hampshire. Chris Ingram was pleased to see the latest phases taking shape after being involved on this project since 2016. Many new properties are now built, with some already occupied.
Crowdhill Green, Fair Oak:
(Site Visit 7th August ’18)
Crowdhill Green is located on the northern edge of the village of Fair Oak, Hampshire. Lying on the villages existing semi-rural edge.
In September 2014, Eastleigh Borough Council granted outline approval for a residential development of up to 330 new dwellings and a new community building.
Between receipt of the outline approval and September 2016, Thrive have gained Reserved Matters Approval for the 4 phases that make up the development. Phases 1 and 3 for Bloor Homes and Parcels 2 and 4 for Linden Homes.
Phases 1 and 2 are well established having been complete for a while.
On his last visit to the site, our Associate Director Chris Ingram was pleased to see that Phases 3 and 4 are progressing well with a number of the plots already occupied.